Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Randy Pitchford 'astonished' at lack of Borderlands clones

Gearbox Software head Randy Pitchford is "astonished" that no developer has ripped off Borderlands.

Borderlands is designed to be different than mainstream shooters like Call of Duty, making it a fresh concept.

"I'm actually astonished that we're about to launch a sequel and no one's stole it from us," he told Gamasutra. "The formula's right there. No one's stolen it yet.

"We're in an industry where people do nothing but steal from each other," he said. "That's kind of interesting, isn't it? Not that I want anyone to steal it, or I'm challenging people to steal it."

Pitchford said that to create a game like Call of Duty but outsell it, "you really have to put in a lot. You have to really go for it and spend a lot. You have to basically not only out-brute force the market leader, but you have to out-clever them."

Borderlands, on the other hand, "has zero competition. It doesn't have to worry about that at all."

Borderlands 2 releases on September 18 for PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.

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Via: Randy Pitchford 'astonished' at lack of Borderlands clones


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