Thursday, August 2, 2012

Campcom fighting games need to be 'more accessible' says US VP

Capcom has crafted a library of excellent games, headlined by several fighting game franchises. From Street Fighter to Tekken, and everywhere in between, such as Street Fighter x Tekken, fans have spent hours duking it out as their favorite characters in their favorite arenas. According to Capcom’s US VP, though, there is still room for major improvement, especially when it comes to “accessibility” for newcomers to Capcom fighting games.

In a post on Capcom Unity’s forums, vice-president Christian Svensson admitted their development teams need to focus more on teaching the ropes to those unfamiliar with past Capcom fighting titles. He assured fans that the best way to teach was by tutorials, something that fans either love or love to hate.  

“[Street Fighter x Tekken] was intended to be a bit more casual friendly and frankly, I think with the introduction of so many new systems (gems, pandora, etc.) I think we probably overcomplicated things and it worked against that objective,” wrote Svensson. “More to the OP's point, I strongly agree that we have not done a good job of truly teaching new players about the basics of fighting game strategy in our current crop of titles. This has been a hot button conversation with the producers in the past and some have embraced it.”

As someone who’s an undoubted “noob” when it comes to fighting games, I’ve noticed that controls are something incredibly difficult to teach, especially when you’re trying to tailor to your hardcore fans. Creating a worthwhile tutorial mode usually gets put on the backburners in the development cycle, but hopefully this will begin to change as Capcom looks to possibly branch out their fighting series’.

Source: [Capcom Unity]

Via: Campcom fighting games need to be 'more accessible' says US VP


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