Thursday, August 9, 2012

Check out some b*tchin' Sacred Citadel screens

Damn it, now I can't stop using the word "bitchin'." Thanks a lot, Deep Silver! Well, as long as I'm using that ridiculously awesome word and blaming video game publishers for it, I might as well inform you that some new screens for the upcoming Sacred Citadel have popped up.

For now, we've just got this small batch of five images, but that's certain to change down the road. I dig what I'm seeing as the art style in Sacred Citadel is nice and colorful. Because seriously, I don't play video games to look at drab environments.

Developed by Southend Interactive, Sacred Citadel takes place before the next main entry in the franchise, Sacred 3. The downloadable game will feature fast-paced beat 'em up action for up to three players and it will throw in some RPG elements for good measure.

You'll have to wait until 2013 to play Sacred Citadel, so for now, check out the reveal trailer and these sexy screens. Watch out for the game on Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and PC.

For a bunch of indie game and burrito talk, follow @thesanchezdavid on Twitter.

Via: Check out some b*tchin' Sacred Citadel screens


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