Thursday, September 20, 2012

DmC: Devil May Cry for PC is coming 'shortly' after the console versions

Players who want the PC version of DmC: Devil May Cry are going to have to wait a little longer than console gamers.

"I can't give you a day and date," producer Alex Jones told Eurogamer at the Tokyo Game Show. "What I can say we're endeavoring to get it out as shortly after the main game as possible so there's as little a gap between those two as we can reasonably get."

Jones revealed that Ninja Theory isn't developing the PC version of DmC — it's been outsourced to QLOC, a company that specializes in porting and localization efforts and worked on other Capcom games for computers, such as Street Fighter x Tekken.

"Because it's being developed out of house by a different developer from Ninja Theory there are logistical things involved," he said. "But the plan is to get it out shortly after the ship date for the console version."

Jones also denied that Virgil is a playable character. "I don't want to be coy about that and have people think they're getting one thing when they're getting another.".

As for the newly revealed weapons the Gauntlets, Jones said "they will be the Kryptonite weapon to a couple of the enemies' attacks or the enemies themselves."

DmC: Devil May Cry hits consoles on January 15, 2013.

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Via: DmC: Devil May Cry for PC is coming 'shortly' after the console versions


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